Kristen Stewart – The Vampire Girl, needs no introduction after playing Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga. This vampire sequel has uplifted her career and has given her a good name in the entertainment industry. Kristen Stewart is an American actress who was born on 9th April 1990 in California, United States. She is the daughter of a stage manager, producer and a scriptwriter.
She, as an actress, is best known for her roles in Panic room, Twilight, Catch That Kid, Snow White and the Huntsmen and Into the Wild. This Hollywood actor has a huge fan following and she keeps coming in and out of controversies every now and then. Therefore, you must be aware of her family life, lifestyle and her activities but here we are sharing 15 amazing facts about the Vampire Girl. Enjoy!
1) Animal Lover
Yes, Kristen Stewart loves animals. She has three dogs and a cat named Jella. Her family even has pet wolves!
2) Titles
She was given the title of ‘Hottest Young Artist’ for her movie, The Fanatics, in 2008. In 2010, the High Times magazine named her “Stonette of the Year” for her performance in Adventure Land.
3) Nickname
Her nicknames are KStew and KristyS.
4) Favorites
Other than Twilight, Kristen has another favorite movie i.e. ‘The shining’. Her favorite bands are U2, Radiohead, the Beatles, the Specials, Laura Marling, Green Day, Nirvana and Beck. She likes ‘East of Eden’ by John Steinbeck and also reads novels by Charles Bukowski and Kurt Vonnegut. Her favorite color is Green.
5) Twilight
Kristen never got a chance to read Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series until she landed on the role of Bella Swan. After the first meeting, the author remarked about Kristen: “When I think about how I was when I was 17, I think, ‘Wow!’
6) Birth Date
Kristen shares her birthday, April 9, with actor Dennis Quaid who has played the role of her father in Cold Creek Manor (2003).
7) Tomboy
She is the only daughter and youngest child of the family which clearly shows the reason of her negligent, tomboy style.
8) Pie in the Sky
Kristen Stewart is real life friends with her Twilight co-star, Nikki Reeds. You won’t believe their friendship began as result of their common love for pie. Yes, pie!
9) Eye Color
You believe that only the Fork’s vampires wore those contacts, Right? No! Kristen Stewart was also with the clan. Since her eye color is green, she opted for brown contact lenses out of her devotion for Bella Swan.
10) Award
She was for the Young Artist Award for 3 consecutive years (2003-2005) but she never won.
11) Bullied
While giving an interview, Kristen revealed: “When I was in High School, I was never the type of girl to be walking around talking about acting, so I didn’t get a lot of hassle until someone found out”. She used to be bullied in High School and she admitted that she disliked being there. Now that she can get a bodyguard in an instance, nobody even tries that!
12) Comic Book
Kristen Stewart has appeared in her own comic book in June 2010 which is a 32-page booklet.
13) Giggly Girl
Kristen Stewart is prone to giggle fits just like and other American teen. She can crack up anytime with a lot of girly giggling. Ashley Greene adds that they have enjoyed many times between takes, getting silly on the ‘Twilight Saga’ sets.
14) Extra-ordinary Actor
The New Moon director found Kristen an extra-ordinary and focused person. It was her presence and the young actors that motivated him, more than the vampires, to work on this movie.
15) Leisure Time
Even ever she is free, she surfs and plays guitar.
That’s all for now! Hope you enjoyed these amazing facts!
Stay blessed!