In order to make your app a big hit, here we are sharing 10 ways to market a top-selling application on App Store. If you follow these steps, you will surely end up making a successful app.
Have a look!
1) Spot the Latest Market Trends
Before you decide on selling any app, you need to focus on the market trends. Check all the market places such as Google Play and App Store. The App Stores displays all the top-paid, top-free and top-grossing apps list which clearly depicts all the latest trends. Follow these lists regularly and make a note of all the trends to successfully make a design, market and price your application in the App Store.
2) Competitive Idea
Is your idea capable enough to compete with the already available apps in the App Store? Does the market need your app? Find out answers to all such questions just by looking at the Top Apps Chart. Check whether any idea similar to yours is already present or not. If not then you can always continue with your app, your way. But if yes, then you will have to make sure that your app turns out to be a lot better and different than the previous ones.
3) Design Your App’s Experience
After you are done with all the research and discovered all the trends, it’s time to put all what you have gathered on paper. Make a storyboard of your application. Designing your app on paper is the best way! However you can always use Photoshop or whatever you are comfortable with. Extract all the functions and parts of other apps that you like in the app store and add them to your storyboard for a better view.
4) Register Yourself as a Developer
When your idea has been sketched-out, you will have to register yourself as developer for your specific platform. By developer, it does not mean that you will have to program the app. According to the trends and advices for novice developers, developing Apple iOS apps is the most common suggestion. You have to make sure that you follow all the App Store review guidelines.
5) Look for Efficient Programmers
When your design and all the pre-requisites are ready, you need to look for an efficient programmer. Spend good quality time in doing that and don’t just for anyone. Make sure you find the best person to avoid future delays and inconsistencies.
What you have to do is post a job on any hiring site. Do a Skype meeting before proceeding and try to find out about the person and his experience as much as possible. You need to be well-satisfied before proceeding.
6) Make your Programmer Sign NDA
Make milestones and timelines, divide your app into certain parts and decide on the check-in schedule before you hire the programmer. Make regular check to review your app and progress. Moreover, in order to protect your idea and your source code, you should make your programmers sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before you hire him.
7) Move to Coding
Don’t just jump to the project coding immediately, start off with smaller modules and then gradually increase the workload. Check out the three-step process during the coding phase as follows:
- Make the programmer design an icon for your app. This way you will be able to check his skills as well.
- Ask your programmer to make a hello world app and check out how he presents it to you.
- When your programmer is about to show you a test version, check whether the ad hoc version is made or not. This version is installed on the phone before it is tested.
8) Testing
Testing is the most critical stage while making an app. You need to look out every nook and corner and fill up all the loop holes. You should have answers to all the questions your users might have. Give you app to a 12-year old child to a 70-year old granny to check out and play with your app. Once it passes all the age groups successfully then you can think of attaining a fully tested app.
9) Post Your App
Till now, you are done with the testing and feedbacks of your closed one so now are the time to post you app to the App Store. Make your programmer show you how to submit your first app and then proceed with the rest yourself. If you are an individual, Apple Store takes three to seven days to accept or reject your app otherwise it takes seven to ten days.
10) Market Your App
Why should people download your app? If you have a satisfying and an appealing answer to this question, then you can surely take a lead. Otherwise there are so many successful apps in the App Store that yours will probably go unnoticed. So market your app wherever possible and make it visible among the crowd.
Stay Blessed!