Being an easy and more comfortable option, people are moving more and more towards using social media to get the jobs and hire the employees. 40% of the young professionals are seeking for jobs using social media. You can successfully get great jobs by following our smart ways to get a job using social media.
Since we have talked about several ways to make a living online, we are now sharing ways to get a job right from your homes.
Have a look!
1) Utilize Your Social Graph
Whenever people go for jobs, they look for personal connections as that helps in getting an edge among the rest. In previous days, people used to look up contacts and personally find about their friends’ and relatives’ jobs. While nowadays, you just have to use the social media for that. All the people are fully aware of the social networks and have their social circle in their hands. Everyone is within reach due to the internet. It is everyone’s personal research laboratory. You can use your social graph whenever you want to. Here are a few tools by which you can tap into your social graph:
1) LinkedIn
2) Find E-mentors
Social media can be best utilized to get jobs if you have the right e-mentors. You can follow your favorite online spaces and check out who is doing great in this business. You can be inspired by some really good people out there, such as: Sheryl Sandberg, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Arianna Huffington and Mindy Kaling.
3) Use Augmented Reality and Job Search Apps
In this rapidly changing world, people are always on the go! Everyone is available 24/7 via smartphones. Social media has made lives very easy. Today, 20% of the people use their smartphones to look for jobs. With just a tap on your iPhone or Android, you can land up in the world of new jobs. Augmented reality has blurred all the lines between what’s real and what’s computer-generated. If you have an iPhone, you can use ‘Layars’ and search for ‘JobAmp Mobile’. This will show you a list of all the jobs in your arena. Plus there are a few more applications for that:
1) Real-Time Jobs
2) CareerBliss
3) BusyBee
4) Good Job
4) Audits
Audits aren’t only meant for revenue and customs; you should do it as well. However, your focus should not be the returns and profits instead it should be your search result. Check out what your name has to reveal for your employers. Set up a Google Alert on your name and find out what about the new references as they get indexed in your results real time.
5) Online Influence
Building online influence is the most critical need of the hour. In previous days, your hard skills such as the programming languages were the basic requirement for your job. Then came a time when your soft skills such as communication skills, leadership qualities and team work mattered the most to all the employers. But now, the competition has increased quite a lot! Your online influence and social media connections play an important role in getting a job these days. is a website which measures your online influence and gives your employers your exact online influence. Your online influence is determined by your connections and their influence in the world.
6) Multimedia Resume
If you clearly look at the direction social media is taking, you will be able to identify the trends in the market. The officials have a view that 36% of the resumes will be the social media profiles in the coming years. People are spending a good amount of time in making their profiles more and more attractive in order to appeal the employers. Such social media tactics are as follows:
2) Facebook
3) QR codes
4) Viral Videos
5) Creative Websites
7) Keep Yourself Updated and Different
There is no room for excuses and delays in such a competitive market. Being unaware of a certain thing is a huge setback in your way. You have to stay tuned to the recent happenings and current trends in the social media and make yourself visible by being different. You need to stand out of the crowd!
8) Advertise Yourself
To get people’s attention, you can start advertising yourself. By advertising yourself, you will make yourself visible among your employers. Start advertising yourself in front of the companies you want to work with. You can use the following ways to advertise yourself:
1) Facebook Social Ads
2) LinkedIn Ads
3) Google AdWords
4) Blog Advertisements
All for now!
Stay Blessed!