Did you ever wonder what Facebook actually does? How does it make money? How does it have such a huge network? Let’s find out!
Facebook has discovered so many ways to make money off its users. The more users it has the more it earns. Most of its increase in earnings is due to its new tactics and business minds working in Facebook. Here we are revealing the 7 secrets used by Facebook to Make Money. Have a look!
1) News Feeds with Sponsored Stories
Facebook discovered another way of making money off their users by launching sponsored stories in 2011. Using sponsored stories, they turned all their users into quasi-brand promoters. However, recently Facebook moved a step ahead and placed these stories in the user’s news feed thereby making it more visible and increasing the number of clicks. This enhancement in Facebook was clearly objected by the users because of the use of their name and pictures. However, this received a very warm welcome by the money makers of Facebook as it gave them $1 million per day.
2) Mobile Ads
Mobile Ads is another popular way of making money for Facebook. By providing sponsored stories, app install ads and offers into the mobile feeds of the users, it has found another way of monetizing on mobile. Mobile Ads have given a boost to its earning by making the per day money generation up to $3 million. Just after mobile ads were launched, Facebook made $139 million. Mobile ads make up to 14% of the total ad revenue.
3) Promoted Posts
Facebook has invented yet another way of making money from its users. Since the social network has become quite huge and crowded, the hiding and disappearing of posts led them to bring out a new way of keeping all the posts in view. Facebook now allows all the users to promote their posts at $7 so that they appear in all of your friend’s news feeds.
4) Facebook Gifts
5) Paid Messages
Facebook is now moving on to squeeze out more money out of its users. It has announced the launch of paid messages by which you can message even those people who are not in your contact list directly in their inbox. While previously, such messages used to go into the ‘Other’ folder. This initiative is taken to stop people from sending unnecessary messages by putting a charge of $1 per message. Let’s see how successful Facebook gets in controlling spam.
6) Mobile Ads in Third-Party Apps
Facebook does not leave you even after you log off. It has worked on placing mobile ads in third-party applications and allows certain websites and apps to use its information. This would probably help a lot in targeting the users by providing download links to an app and attract them by ads promoting the website. It has now put a halt to it but you never know what’s cooking in there!
7) Video Ads
Facebook has emerged out as a great social network with new enhancements every year. Now what are left are the video ads in the news feed which it will surely launch soon. The next big thing about it! These ads will be on auto play so even if you don’t like them, you will still have to watch them.
Welcome to the new era of Facebook innovations!
Stay Blessed!